My purpose is to use my gifts of leadership, compassion, resilience, and a positive and growth mindset to help female professionals take the next step in their careers, lead with confidence and thrive.

Together, we will disrupt social norms around Women’s role in the workplace, business, politics and family and fight for Women’s full and equal participation in all facets of society.

One woman at a time.


My purpose is to use my gifts of leadership, compassion, resilience, and a positive and growth mindset to help female professionals take the next step in their careers, lead with confidence and thrive.


Together, we will disrupt social norms around Women’s role in the workplace, business, politics and family and fight for Women’s full and equal participation in all facets of society.

One woman at a time.


For 20 years, I had a stable corporate career, climbing the ladder to leadership positions. Along the way, I faced sexism, discrimination, battled fears of asking for pay raises or promotions, and struggled to stand up for myself in tough conversations. 

Regardless of all the challenges, I was proud of my achievements and felt secure, but I wanted to create something of my own. This desire sparked my entrepreneurial journey, leading me to start three different businesses. As a partner and leader, I poured my energy into these ventures. 

Despite my best efforts, my businesses failed, leading to personal bankruptcy and burnout. I realised I was competing, controlling, and chasing money, rather than pursuing what truly drove me: passion, connection, joy, and fulfilment. Overwhelmed by shame, guilt, and failure, I felt unsure of my next steps.

In my lowest moment, I knew I had to change. I redefined success for myself, focusing on my dreams, my passions and challenging limiting beliefs. I realised that I could earn a substantial income and have a fulfilling professional and personal life. I worked on building my confidence, believing in my worth and capabilities. 

Whilst fears and doubts still arise, I no longer let them hold me back. I acknowledge them and push through, knowing growth lies on the other side of fear. I now love my career and embrace challenges with self-awareness, resilience, and determination.

In HR, I work with organisations to create a culture of compassion and accountability, empowering their people to thrive and the organisation to achieve its purpose. 

My journey also ignited a desire to empower other women. As a coach and mentor, I help women harness the power of their feminine leadership qualities to navigate leadership challenges, advance in their careers, and lead thriving and fulfilling lives.


I believe we need to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and help them from a place of no judgement. This will develop trust and success in any relationship.


I believe everyone can be a leader. Leadership is about inspiring and empowering others, showing them they have choices and endless possibilities.


I strive every day to be unapologetically myself, with no masks. I practice what I believe in and live my values openly and honestly.

Positive Mindset

I maintain a positive perspective, focusing on the good in life. This helps me approach challenges with optimism, not by ignoring the negative but by making the most of all experiences, and viewing myself and my abilities positively.

Learning & Growth

I am a lifelong learner, passionate about personal growth and the endless possibilities life offers. I am always eager to learn more and use my knowledge, experiences, and wisdom to contribute meaningfully.