I love learning and experimenting with new ways to help those who work with me rediscover their inner power and feel more empowered as female professionals to fight for the career they want and deserve.

One of the topics that fascinate me is Emotional Intelligence (EI). Some research suggests that women achieve higher scores than men on measures of emotional intelligence. I argue that both genders can have high or low emotional intelligence depending on different factors influencing the score, such as social environment, situation and context.

What is EI, after all? I summarise it as the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions. And I believe this ability is critical for women who want to advance in their careers.

Below I highlight the 5 critical skills of EI suggested by psychologist Daniel Goleman, author of the book “Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships”.

1) Self-awareness – being able to identify our own emotions and how they work

How can we develop our self-awareness?

Tips: focus on your thoughts and emotions; keep a journal; meditate; practice mindfulness.

2) Self-regulation – managing our emotions and expressing them appropriately

3) Compassion (Empathy + Action)

Showing compassion towards ourselves and others. Putting ourselves in other people’s shoes, understanding their feelings and responding with an action that will help them. Something simple as a smile sometimes is all it takes!

4) Social skills – the skills we use to interact with others

How we approach and communicate in social interactions is a crucial element of EI, as it will help us build meaningful relationships and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

We can enhance our social skills by:

5) Intrinsic motivation

Emotionally intelligent people are motivated mainly by things beyond external rewards. They choose internal rewards. They decide to do something because it’s internally fulfilling, challenging, interesting, or enjoyable.

Here are a few ways we can unlock our intrinsic motivation:


Why is it essential to incorporate these skills into our professional lives?

Let’s take the time to consistently work on self-awareness, self-regulation, compassion, social skills and intrinsic motivation. Working on these areas will help us excel in our professional life! 

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Carla Martins Leadership Coach
HR Director | Leadership and Career Coach and Mentor | DiSC Certified Practitioner | Coffee aficionado☕