In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, effective communication is key. Yet, assertive communication—a style that balances confidence with respect—remains an area where many struggle, especially women leaders. Research shows that while men are often perceived as assertive when expressing their opinions, women can unfairly be labelled as aggressive for the same behaviour. This double standard presents significant challenges, but it also highlights the importance of mastering assertive communication.

According to a 2023 study by McKinsey & Company, 62% of women leaders report being regularly ignored or spoken over in meetings, compared to 40% of men. This disparity is not just a matter of perception; it’s a real obstacle that women face daily in their professional lives. The good news? Assertive communication offers a powerful tool to overcome these challenges.

What is assertive communication?

Assertive communication is the ability to express your thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and directly while respecting the rights and feelings of others. It strikes a balance between being passive (where your needs are not met) and aggressive (where others’ needs are disregarded). At its core, assertive communication is about mutual respect and clarity.

This communication style is crucial because it allows you to advocate for yourself without compromising your integrity or relationships. It involves standing up for your personal boundaries while remaining open to others’ viewpoints.

Why is assertive communication important?

Assertive communication plays a vital role in effective leadership. It fosters an environment of trust, encourages open dialogue, and helps prevent misunderstandings.

Here’s why it’s particularly important:

Challenges Women Leaders face with assertive communication

Despite its benefits, assertive communication can be challenging, especially for women leaders.

These are some of the common obstacles:

Strategies to develop assertive communication

Developing assertive communication skills is essential for overcoming these challenges.

Here are some strategies to help you cultivate assertiveness:

Use “I” Statements

“I” statements are a cornerstone of assertive communication. They help you express your feelings and needs without placing blame or making others feel defensive.


This approach shifts the focus to your experience, making it easier for the other person to understand and respond to your concerns.

Practise Active Listening

Assertive communication isn’t just about speaking your mind—it’s also about listening to others. Active listening involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully. This shows respect for the other person’s viewpoint and helps create a more productive dialogue.


Set Clear Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a key aspect of assertiveness. It involves clearly communicating what you will and will not accept in your interactions with others. This helps prevent resentment and ensures that your needs are met.


Stay Calm and Composed

Maintaining your composure is crucial when communicating assertively, especially in challenging situations. Practise deep breathing, pausing before you speak, and keeping your tone even. This not only helps you stay in control but also prevents the conversation from escalating into conflict.


Use Positive Body Language

Your body language should align with your words. Maintain eye contact, stand or sit up straight, and use gestures that convey confidence. Avoid crossing your arms or appearing closed off, as this can send mixed messages.


Reflect and Adapt

After each assertive communication attempt, reflect on what went well and what could be improved. This reflection will help you fine-tune your approach and become more effective over time.


The Balance: Assertiveness and Kindness

One of the biggest misconceptions about assertiveness is that it’s incompatible with kindness. However, assertiveness is not about bulldozing over others’ feelings; it’s about being clear and honest while remaining respectful and empathetic.

Being kind and assertive means you can express your needs and opinions without diminishing the other person’s perspective. It’s about finding a balance where you can be firm but fair, direct but diplomatic.


This approach ensures that your message is clear and your boundaries are respected, without leaving the other person feeling dismissed.

Mastering assertive communication is an invaluable skill. It empowers you to express your thoughts and needs confidently, navigate gender-based communication challenges, and build stronger, more respectful relationships.

And remember, assertiveness is not about being aggressive; it’s about being clear, confident, and kind. As you practise these strategies, you’ll find that assertiveness not only strengthens your leadership but also fosters an environment where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.