The importance of a strong morning routine

Learn what makes a strong morning routine plus six habits you can incorporate into your morning routine to have a productive day. - strong morning routine tips – why a morning routine is important

A routine is a set of actions that you perform over and over again, as part of your daily life. We all have routines that we perform at different times of the day; and it’s worth noting that not all routines are good or helpful routines.

Although, if you have a strong morning routine, chances are it’ll propel you to have a more productive day and help you reach your goals for that day.

Importance of having a strong morning routine. – why a morning routine is important

There’s been tons of research and studies done on the importance of having a strong morning routine and the effects it has on our productivity, it turns out there are many benefits to having a strong morning routine.


A strong morning routine sets you up for a productive day, leading to more wins. More wins raise your motivation and allow you to accomplish your goals far easier.

A strong routine is a routine that works for you and gives you energy to achieve  meaningful results right away.

It focuses your mind

Once you start the day with a win, your brain produces much-needed dopamine which powers you to go for more wins. So start your day with a win, no matter how small and your mind will seek out winning situations all day.

Routines Put Our Brains on Autopilot

Repeated routines prime you for maximum productivity for the rest of the day. If you start your day being focused and accomplishing tasks, your brain puts itself in autopilot and you’ll continue in that space the rest of the day.

5 things you can incorporate to create a strong morning routine. – why a morning routine is important

From Tony Robbins to Richard Branson; many world renowned high achievers have shared how their morning routines have got them to where they are in the world. Here are some popular rituals you can incorporate into your own morning routine so you can have a productive day.

Rise Early

Waking up early means you can get things done without distractions, and accomplish the wins that put your day on autopilot for more wins. CEO’s like Jack Dorsey, Richard Branson, and Tim Cook

wake up at 5:30, 5:45 and 4:30am respectively to get more done before everyone else starts their day.

Accomplish something:

Get your first win of the day, no matter how small. It could be making your bed or working out, that sense of finishing a task will put you in a productive mode that you’ll carry with you into the rest of the day.

This concept was put best by Navy Seal Admiral William H. McCraven in his book ‘Make your bed’;

If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another. And by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.

Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right. And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made — that you made. And a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.’

Recite Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements you can use to reframe how you think about yourself and the day to come. They are a way of visualising the good things that will come to you that day and overcoming negative self-talk.

Your aim is to affirm and visualize the things you want to happen. As you focus on these things, you begin to believe that you can and will achieve them, which then enables you to take action on them.


The benefits of exercising in the morning are many, not least is to get it out of the way early especially if you like to make excuses why you can’t get to the gym after work.

Aside from that, exercising in the morning increases blood flow, releases endorphins, and strengthens your body. It prepares you for the coming day, increases your overall energy levels, and helps you remain in optimal health.  

As a part of your morning routine, exercising doesn’t have to be a full gym workout; a brisk walk around the block, a few yoga stretches, or jumping jacks will work. It’s all about moving your body.


This is also a great habit you can incorporate into your morning routine. Journaling in the morning helps you start your day on a positive and grateful note. It also helps you align your intentions with your goals and ambitions. So your every action you take that day is intentional.

Dink hot water with lemon

Before having your first cup of water or tea, how about making hot water with lemon the first thing you put in your body? The alkaline nature of the drink helps to reset your body’s PH balance; it also promotes digestion and increases your metabolic rate.

Take a cold shower

Renowned coach, Tony Robbins has touted the benefits of kick starting your day with pluging your body into something cold. He  plunges into 57 degree water every morning, he’s convinced that it is essential for maximum productivity.

For the less extreme version; starting your day with a cold shower can increase blood flow, burn away unhealthy fat, and release dopamine into the body. Like exercise, it kick starts your body.

A morning routine is personal to you and should be one that propels you into being productive for the day ahead. So choose what works for you and helps you get more wins throughout the day.

Pick and mix the above to turbo charge your day.


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